Stowe 2050

Affordable housing. Great jobs. Trails and recreation. Strong schools. Close neighbors. Sustainable land use. Transportation options. Imagine Stowe in 2050. What do you see? How will we get there?

Join the Stowe 2050 community conversation and help decide. 

Stowe 2050 is a community planning project that will help inform our next Town Plan.

Scroll down to read more about the project, upcoming opportunities, and planning in Stowe.


What’s Happening

In 2024, the Town of Stowe is reaching out far and wide to gather community ideas and stories and shape our next town plan. We want to hear from everyone who has something to say – residents and visitors, youth and older adults, business owners and workers, longtime leaders and new residents.

We’ll be launching more activities soon to gather input, discuss big issues, and shape Stowe’s future. Stay tuned and sign up for news!

  • Summer: Quick input cards and activities around town; community conversations and survey
  • Fall: Community events and conversations to explore big topics (housing, environment, affordability, etc.)
  • Winter-Spring: Drafting Stowe’s next town plan and incorporating input

About Stowe 2050

Stowe 2050 is a community planning project led by the Town of Stowe and Stowe Planning Commission. We’re hear to reach out, listen, and learn.

Vermont towns must update their Town Plans every eight years, and Stowe will approve its next one in 2026. Rather than just updating the current plan, we want to think big: what do we want Stowe to be in 2050, and what will it take to get there? We want to hear from everyone in the community and get your ideas on our next town priorities.

Check out these links and resources to learn more:

2018 Stowe Town Plan(PDF, 11MB)

Planning Commission Agendas, Minutes, and Recordings

Questions? Ideas? Get in Touch.

Contact Sarah McShane, Town of Stowe Department of Planning and Zoning

