Election Information & Results

Voter Registration | Election Results

Official Results - March 4, 2025

Unofficial Results - March 4, 2025

Notices, Warnings and Sample Ballots

1944 Norman Rockwell

Next Election Day: Town Meeting - March 4, 2025

Polling Location: Stowe High School

Polls Open: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM (Australian Ballot) /// 8:00 AM (Floor Voting Start Time)

It is illegal to vote someone else’s ballot and is punishable by up to a $10,000 fine and 15 years imprisonment. If you receive a ballot in error, contact the Stowe Town Clerk’s Office immediately.

Absentee / Early Voting by Mail

You can request a ballot by email at MVP.Vermont.gov, or by emailing townclerk@stowevt.gov, or calling (802) 253-6133.

Voting Early or Absentee

Step 1:

Vote your ballot. Please follow the instructions at the top of the ballot for making your selections.

Step 2:

Place your voted ballot inside the Voted Ballot Certificate Envelope.

Step 3:

Print your name and Stowe in the spaces provided on the front of Voted Ballot Certificate Envelope.

Step 4:

Sign the certificate.
You must sign on the Voted Ballot Certificate Envelope, or your vote will not count.

Step 5:

Seal the Voted Ballot Certificate Envelope with your voted ballot inside.

Step 6:

Deliver your ballot before the close of the polls.

How to Deliver Your Ballot

You may deliver or drop off your ballot by one of three methods.

Drop Box

Place your ballot in the official drop box located in front of the Akeley Memorial Building, 67 Main Street.

Ballot must be placed in the drop box by 12:00 PM the day before Election Day.

Hand-Deliver on Election Day

Bring your ballot to the polling location on Election Day.

Ballot must be hand-delivered to the polling location, by the voter, by 7:00 PM on Election Day.



Put the Voted Ballot Certificate Envelope inside the preaddressed mailing envelope. Please mail it at least 7 - 10 days before Election Day.

Ballots returned by mail must be received by Election Day.


Thank you for voting! If you have any questions, please contact the Stowe Town Clerk’s Office at 802-253-6133 or email townclerk@stowevt.gov.

Election Results

General Election - November 5, 2024

Primary Election / Special Town Meeting - August 13, 2024